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Якщо ви в Україні і потребуєте допомоги чи інформації, натисніть тут

The war in Ukraine continues to displace people, damage infrastructure, disrupt supply chains and hold back the country’s economy. A total of 5 million people (15 percent of the population) need food and livelihood assistance.

A total of 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced and nearly 6 million are living as refugees in Europe. Many of those who remain have lost their livelihoods, especially in areas close to the front lines. Those who returned are struggling to rebuild their lives, having run out of money or found their homes reduced to rubble. 

The war and the energy crisis – the latter resulting from attacks on infrastructure – are disrupting food production and commercial supply chains inside the country, leaving many communities in the east and south with no reliable access to food. The war has turned vast areas of farmland into deadly minefields - approximately 25,000 square kilometres of agricultural land are potentially contaminated with explosive ordnance.

WFP delivers emergency assistance to around 1.5 million people every month. Since fighting began three years ago, WFP has provided the equivalent of 3.3 billion meals and distributed 445,000 metric tons of food to the most vulnerable in Ukraine, partnering directly with local responders.

An estimated 123,000 refugees from Ukraine remain in Moldova, primarily women, children and the elderly, adding pressure to an already fragile economy. WFP provides hot meals to refugees in reception centres, along with cash to host families. 

Ukraine produced enough food to feed 400 million people per year prior to the war. Regular attacks on civilian port infrastructure threaten to disrupt the supply of food to countries in acute need and to drive up global food prices, as happened at the beginning of the war when Black Sea ports were closed. 

WFP needs US$231million to sustain WFP operations until August 2025.

What the World Food Programme is doing to respond to the Ukraine emergency

Food assistance
WFP delivers food kits and ready-to-eat food rations, primarily in hard-to-reach and frontline areas under intense fighting, where commercial supply lines are disrupted and access to food is unreliable. Food kits typically comprise wheat flour, pasta, oats, buckwheat or millet, sunflower oil, canned meat or beans, sugar and salt.
Cash assistance
WFP is prioritizing cash assistance wherever banks are functioning and food is easily accessible. Cash assistance gives people the freedom to meet their essential needs as they choose, and stimulates local economies. WFP has distributed more than US$708 million since March 2022.
Support to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova
WFP serves daily hot meals to more than 1,700 Ukrainian refugees living in accommodation centres and provides bi-monthly cash assistance to families hosting Ukrainian refugees.
Emergency telecommunications and logistics
On behalf of the United Nations, WFP coordinates humanitarian logistics and telecommunications services in Ukraine as the lead organisation of the Logistics Cluster and the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster. The Logistics Cluster consolidates and shares information on logistics services, facilities and access constraints, provides road transport, cargo delivery and storage services, and supports cargo consolidation and planning for humanitarian convoys.
Demining and food systems
WFP is partnering with FAO and specialist demining organizations in the Kharkiv and Mykolaiv regions to help food producers resume agricultural work safely, including by surveying land for the presence of mines and other explosives, clearing it where necessary, rehabilitating soils, and giving cash or vouchers to buy seeds and equipment to restart production. A total 50 percent of Ukrainians in rural areas rely on subsistence farming, and household-level production represents 32 percent of the country's total agricultural output. WFP continues to scale up its procurement from Ukrainian food producers, both for food assistance inside the country and for humanitarian operations globally.

How you can help

WFP urgently needs your help to assist people fleeing the conflict both within the country and in neighbouring ones
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